

Traveller’s First

Buddyng is a tribute to every traveller’s first trip away from home.

You’re scared, but you’re excited.
You’re making a mental travel checklist as you wait to leave.
Suddenly, an unexpected wave of anxiety floods your mind, “What if...?”

You experience your first trip away from home.
It was an unbelievable adventure!

As 21st century travellers ourselves, we understand the mixed anticipation of your first travel experience. We also recognise the discoveries, perspectives and experiences you gain from travelling. Fuelled by the benefits of travel, we want to share this with others.

Buddyng is created for the inner-traveller in everyone.


Why & How

We believe everyone should have the opportunity to travel.

We know that by travelling and engaging with diverse communities, it expands our perspectives and increases our emotional intelligence.

Our vision is for travel to be part of every education curriculum globally. This way, young people from all walks of life will be able to experience the benefits of travel.

Buddyng strives to connect explorers around the world to encourage new conversations, new perspectives, and new experiences with new people. We’ve built and continue to grow our platform so that the benefits of travel can become more accessible to everyone!


Our Infinite Game

These are our goals. They form the direction of every business decision we make. While they can never be accomplished, we will always work towards them!

We are all limited by perspective.

Our values and judgements can only be based on what we expose ourselves to, and indeed, what is exposed to us. Travelling expands our perspectives with the people and places we are immersed into helping establish our core values and increase understanding on societal issues and personal opinions.

Everyone should have equal opportunity in society.

Jobs, activities and travel should not be restrictive based on demographic. We should all have the opportunity to travel abroad. Wealth inequality and dangers abroad should not be factors which restrict enjoyment of our planet.

Travel enhances cultural sensitivity and increases our awareness of contrasting views.

Empathy makes the world kinder as we recognise others' situations and circumstances. We want to grow a more collaborative world, a more empathetic world, a giving world.

We believe everyone deserves to feel safe when they travel, regardless of who they are with and where they are.

There will always be risk, that is an inevitable part of life, but we can mitigate this risk by collaboratively sharing safety tips and lessons we learn. We will persistently listen to the Buddyng community in order to strengthen traveller safety in any aspect we can.

Our societies are growing with diversity.

Diversity makes us stronger because it offers greater perspective and solutions to problems that exist. An equitable society is one where we are all given the resources to thrive individually.

Sustainability is nothing special. It is a base line that every organisation should take accountability for.

As a travel community we can have great impact together by using more sustainable travel routes and supporting the environment whilst travelling. Impact comes from the collective, and we all have a responsibility to our planet.

Accurate information sharing is a huge issue amongst social networks.

We have designed our app to push content which other people most value, meaning that the larger our community grows, the more accurate and wide ranging information that is accessible.

Discovering new places and people allows us to immerse into cultures abroad, finding things we never knew existed.

Cross-cultural experiences offer diverse knowledge and feelings which affect how we act in our own lives. There are so many unique cultural experiences out there that we have no idea exist! Go and explore the world and discover things you love.

We dream of a world where everyone can travel freely across borders, feel safe while they do so and enjoy the freedom of exploring new places without judgement.

We must come together rather than pull apart. We can benefit one another so much when we share advice and experiences, and it feels good too by increasing oxytocin in our bodies.

Funding, wealth inequality and safety are huge barriers preventing everyone from travelling abroad before they leave education.

Travel enhances emotional intelligence which is vital for workplace success. We will support education in every way we can so that travel can be a core part of the curriculum. Education is about opening minds to recognise new ideas and solutions so individuals can make better informed decisions in their lives. It should be exciting!

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